Thursday 24 December 2015

10) Star Citizen- P-52 Merlin review

P-52 Merlin:

The merlin is one of the smallest, lightest ships in the game. And the smaller the size generaly speaking, the better the agility. This is very much the case for the merlin. Its designed to be a short range snub fighter which is ideal for fast paced combat and can easily be consealed in a large carrier ship. It can be equipped with 2 S1 and 1 S2 fixed guns and what it lacks in armour it redeems in speed. With this ship you can run rings around the enemy and easily outmanouvre their guns before releasing the lasers. Safety is in numbers when it comes to the merlin, its probably not too safe alone however the price is rock bottom so consider maybe for a starting ship, they were originally meant to pair with the constellations. Also, the merlin makes a fairly decent racer in my opinion. What I love most about this ship is the design; there's not that many ships which are as aerodynamic and as sleek as this. So much style;)

Drake Herald review next:

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