Saturday, 19 December 2015

2) What is Star Citizen?

What is Star Citizen?

Star Citizen is an upcoming pc game developed by Chris Roberts, the man who pioneered space sims with great games like Wing Commander. He also directed some REALLY crap films which i will not mention... To sum it up in one sentence: Star Citizen is a huge massively multiplayer game with a player based economy system in a persistent universe with thousands of galaxies and star systems to explore. Players will have the opportunity to literally be a citizen of space, being able to do anything that pleases them: fight aliens in the military, mine and haul materials, salvage ships, go bounty hunting, fly rescue missions, be a pirate, board space stations, race in competitions, explore planets and the edges of the universe and BE part of a whole social economic system. You will even be able to explore places where no player has been before and there were talks about having planets and galaxies named after your player! A world of immersion and realism.

Immersion is said to be a key part of the game: acctualy being a person instead of a ship like Eve online. As a person you will be able to do almost anything from pressing buttons in your cockpit to jumping out in open space and boarding other people's ships with a gun to steal it. The game also has real time newtonian physics modules not only in space but inside your ship. You will be able to literally walk around your ship while its flying and maybe even get some friends onboard, after all the game supports multi crew systems; you could be flying while your friends are in turrets or reconfiguring the shield power. It has so much potential. It also features first person shooter elements and a gripping storyline called Suadron 42, you can even fight in 0 gravity!

One of the things I enjoy most about Star Citizen is the community; there are so many people buzzing with excitement to jump straight into the verse. The number of growing forum pages and Youtube channels are fenomenal and really make a newcomer feel at home. I started out with my favourite Youtubers Boredgamer and TacticalAdvance and still continue to use forum pages like StarCitizenBase to gather with like minded people. The game even allows for individuals to create organisations and even religions in game which people can join.

I, like many others can't wait until the official release. It's already beaten all records for being the most crowdfunded game, already raising over $100 million! I will be doing more posts aimed at newcomers explaining the individual elements to this game and i will give a few ship reviews to those who are unable to decide. Comment if you have any questions, thanks for reading;)

My next posts is about the story and multiplayer modes, you can view it from the archive on the right hand or here:


  1. The fact that their is no end to the game, no grind, no leveling, makes this game something special. You are what you bring to the table.

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